Best Restaurant Management System

Dine, Quick Serve, Home Delivery
Cloud-Based POS for restaurants. Create recipes, reduce wait time for customers, and monitor sales from anywhere, anytime. A Single Screen to Manage All Your Restaurant Needs
Dine-In Management
Manage Dine-in, Quick Serve, and Home Delivery from One Screen. Add pictures of menu items
Seamless Home Delivery
Are you managing Home Delivery? Enter customer data on the go. Or load existing customers
Fast Table Management for Dine-in Restaurants
Check the table status from the dashboard in real-time. Keep track of the busy, free, and billing stage tables.

Online store

A platform for an online sales business. It requires the development of a complex structure, several mandatory sections ("Delivery", "Payment", "Contacts", etc). Consists of dozens of pages with descriptions of products requiring promotion.

Corporate website

Web-based platform for document management, personnel management and information exchange between branches and remote units. Requires exclusive design and 24/7 support.


A large Internet resource with a large amount of information. Optimal for publishing news articles, sports reports, announcements. Attracts a lot of visitors and provides passive income by placing ads on the most visited pages.


A one-page website to inform potential buyers about the benefits of the product. An autonomous advertising resource requiring a catchy design and quality content.

Responsive site

A resource that provides the correct display of information on any devices (smartphones, tablets). Attracts mobile users, increases business competitiveness.

Style Switcher

12 Predefined Color Skins Top Bar Color Layout Style Patterns for Boxed Version